超高速碰撞多层板结构破碎效应研究对空间碎片防护及动能武器毁伤效应研究有着重要意义. 本文采用ANSYS/AUTODYN程序的SPH方法,对超高速碰撞碎片云的形成过程进行了数值模拟,某典型时刻一次及二次碎片云形貌的数值模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好,验证了计算方法和模型参数的正确性.在此基础上采用数值模拟方法,对钨合金、轧制均质装甲(Rolled Homogeneous Armor,简称RHA)及LY12铝三种材料的圆柱形弹体超高速碰撞薄板的破碎规律进行了研究,基于量纲分析方法得出了弹体破碎长度随弹靶材料特性、弹靶尺寸及初始撞击速度变化的关系式. 并研究了钨合金及RHA两种材料的长杆弹对八层RHA板结构的超高速碰撞效应.
To study fragmentation effect of a cylindrical projectile with a hypervelocity impacting a thin plate structure is of great significance for space debris protection and kinetic energy weapons damage effect.Here,the debris cloud forming process and expanding were studied with the SPH method of ANSYS/AUTODYN code.It was shown that the numerical simulation results for the first and the secondary debris cloud morphologies are in good agreement with the test results,and the correctness of the calculation method and the model parameters was verified.Furthermore,the fragmentation laws of cylidrical projectiles made by 3 materials of tungsten alloys,RHA and LY12 aluminum with a hypervelocity impacting a thin plate structure were studied with the numerical simulation method.The empirical equations relating the fragment length of projectiles to target material properties,target size and inital impacting velocity are obtained with the dimensional analysis method.
超高速碰撞 /
SPH方法 /
圆柱形长杆弹 /
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Key words
hypervelocity impact /
SPH method /
long cylindrical rod /
fragment law
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