Vibration detection based on image technology is a large range,non-contact vibration testing technology,which has been studied widely.Aiming at the problems such as image feature extraction in the visual inspection,the method of measuring out-of-plane vibration based on CWT was proposed in the paper.The relationship between the phases of CWT and the vibration displacement of the structure was deduced.In addition,vibration test experiments on cantilever beam and motor were carried out.Compared with finite element simulation,edge extraction and acceleration sensors,it shows that the method of the paper,which has a simple system,low cost and no need of complex algorithms such as feature tracking,edge extraction,can extract the vibration frequency information accurately.
YIN Aijun,LI Jiang,ZHANG Quan.
Research on out-of-plane vibration detection based on CWT[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(8): 60-64
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