本文开展了双层棉毡、ABA(absorber-barrier-absorber)和dissipative三种多层平板材料的吸隔声的测试与计算分析工作。首先利用Alpha cabin吸声系数测试设备,测试了三种多层平板材料吸声系数,在混响室-全消室中测试了三种多层平板材料隔声量。为了计算得到多层平板材料吸隔声特性,测试了单层材料的吸声系数、流阻率和孔隙率。利用软件计算材料吸隔声,计算得到了三种多层平板材料的吸声与隔声特性,并与测试结果进行了对比分析。分析结果表明,隔声量计算结果与实验数据吻合较好,文中分析了吸声系数的计算值与实测值误差的原因。
The measurement and calculation methods for the sound absorption and insulation characteristics of multi-layered panel materials including double felt, ABA (absorber-barrier-absorber) and dissipative materials were proposed. The sound absorption coefficients and the insertion losses of three kinds of multi-layered panel materials were measured with the Alpha cabin equipment and in an anechoic-reverberation room, respectively. To calculate the sound absorption and insertion loss of multi-layered panel materials, the sound absorption coefficient, flow resistivity and porosity of the single-layer materials were measured. Then, the sound absorption coefficient and insertion loss of the multi-layered panel materials were estimated by using a relevant software. The comparison between the measurement and calculation results shows reasonable agreement for the insertion losses. The error between the calculation and measurement results of the sound absorption coefficient was analyzed.
多层平板材料 /
ABA结构 /
dissipative结构 /
吸隔声测试 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
multi-layered panel material /
ABA structure /
dissipative structure /
sound absorption coefficient and insulation loss /
calculation and measurement.
{{custom_keyword}} /
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