

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1) : 27-31.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1) : 27-31.


  • 郭子涛 ,郭钊1,张伟2
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Failure patterns and ballistic resistance of thin single A3 steel targets obliquely impacted by different nose shape projectiles

  • Zitao Guo1, Guo Zhao1, Wei Zhang2
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本文利用轻气炮设备对平头、卵形弹进行了以5种角度撞击2mm单层A3钢薄靶的斜穿甲试验, 得到了不同头型弹体在各个角度撞击单层靶的初始-剩余速度曲线及靶板的弹道极限,获得并对比分析了弹体头部形状、撞击角度对靶板的防护性能及失效模式的影响。结果发现,平头弹在各个撞击角度下较卵形弹更容易击穿靶板,撞击角度较大时卵形弹较平头弹更容易发生跳飞现象;靶板的防护性能与弹体造成的靶板损伤和失效模式紧密相关,随着斜撞击角度变大,平头弹造成的靶板局部穿孔毁伤模式逐步由剪切冲塞失效转向以拉伸撕裂失效为主,同时整体结构弯曲和膜变形减小,而薄板在卵形弹斜撞击下的失效模式则以局部斜形非对称花瓣开裂为主。


Oblique perforation experiments on single A3 steel sheets with the thickness of 2 mm impacted by flat and ogival projectiles at 5 impact angles were conducted using a light-gas gun. The initial-residual velocity curves and ballistic limits for projectiles perforating single targets at different angles were obtained, meanwhile, the effects of different projectile nose shapes and obliquities on the ballistic resistance and failure patterns of targets were compared and analyzed. The results show that the target perforation by flat projectiles is easier than that by ogive nosed projectiles at each oblique angle, while the ricochet phenomenon occurs more easily for ogive projectiles at large impact angles. The ballistic resistance of targets is found to be closely related to the target damages induced by projectile impact. As the impact angle increases, the local perforation damage model of the target plate due to flat projectile impact turns gradually from the shear plugging to the dominant tensile tearing failure and the bending and film deformation of the entire structure decrease. In contrast, the oblique petal-cracking is found to be the main failure model in thin plates perforated obliquely by ogive projectiles.


单层薄板 / 斜撞击 / 防护性能 / 毁伤特性 / 弹道极限

Key words

 thin single sheets / oblique impact / ballistic resistance / damage characteristic / ballistic limit


郭子涛,郭钊1,张伟2. 单层A3钢薄靶在不同头型弹体斜撞击下的失效模式和防护性能研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(1): 27-31
Zitao Guo1, Guo Zhao1, Wei Zhang2. Failure patterns and ballistic resistance of thin single A3 steel targets obliquely impacted by different nose shape projectiles[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(1): 27-31


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