

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1) : 77-84.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1) : 77-84.


  • 曹海莹,刘云飞,李雨浓
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 Size effect of scale models for layered subgrades based on soil's vibration energy absorption characteristics

  • CAO Hai-ying , Liu Yun-fei, LI Yu-nong
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Aiming at inspecting the size effect of scale models in tests, and considering a two-layered subgrade with upper dry crust and lower weak subsoil under vehicle load as a study abject, the soil's energy absorption coefficient was selected as a characterization parameter for analysing the size effect from the view of revealing dynamic stress attenuation behaviors. On the basis of numerical simulation results of different scale calculation models, the attenuation  expression for the dynamic stress's representative value along depth was obtained, and the response equation for describing the size effect was built in hard and soft soil layers according to the fitted relationship between the model scale and homogeneous soil's energy absorption coefficient. The response equation for describing the size effect at the transition section was derived base on establishing the functional relation between the dynamic stress's interface transfer coefficient and model scale, and introducing the dimensionless energy absorption coefficient at soil interface. The reliability of the response equations was validated by the field monitoring data and indoor model tests. The results show that the working condition of the prototype experiment can be inferred by applying the test results of scale models and the evolution of size effect, under the premise of vibration frequency being 1Hz to 5Hz. The relevant results have some guiding meaning for actual projects.


层状路基 / 尺寸效应 / 数值模拟 / 缩尺模型 / 能量吸收系数

Key words

layered subgrade / size effect / numerical simulation / scale model / energy absorption coefficient


曹海莹,刘云飞,李雨浓. 基于土体振动能量吸收特性的层状路基缩尺模型尺寸效应研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(1): 77-84
CAO Hai-ying,Liu Yun-fei, LI Yu-nong .  Size effect of scale models for layered subgrades based on soil's vibration energy absorption characteristics[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(1): 77-84


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