
胡 可1,2,赵 阳1,王 钢2,郭艳军2

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (15) : 199-208.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (15) : 199-208.


  • 胡 可1,2,赵 阳1,王 钢2,郭艳军2
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Two-way fluid-structure coupled analysis for dynamic responses of steel tanks under vapor cloud explosion

  • HU Ke2,1, ZHAO Yang1, WANG Gang2,GUO Yanjun2
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对于钢储罐内部发生的蒸气云爆炸,储罐结构在爆炸流场的作用下会产生运动与变形,这些运动变形又会反过来作用于内部爆炸流场,因此求解钢储罐在内爆作用下的结构动力响应实际上是一个复杂的双向流固耦合问题。本文利用弱耦合方法,基于ANSYS Workbench仿真平台建立了能够有效模拟内部爆炸流场与钢储罐结构相互作用的双向流固耦合模型,获得了钢储罐的结构动力响应。同时,进行了解耦计算,并将解耦与耦合两种方法进行了对比分析。研究表明:在内部蒸气云爆炸作用下,钢储罐结构最大塑性应变一般出现在顶盖与罐壁的环向连接处,该区域会因塑性应变最先超过失效应变而发生破坏;耦合分析所得钢储罐结构变形情况和与失效破坏模式与解耦分析所得结果大致相同,解耦分析可以较为方便地进行内爆作用下的钢储罐结构动力响应与薄弱危险区域的初步预测。


Explosion fluid fields cause motions and deformations of steel tanks when their internal vapor cloud blasts. These motions and deformations conversely act the internal explosion flow fields. Thus, solving dynamic responses of steel tanks under internal explosion actually is a complex two-way fluid-structure coupling problem. Here, adopting a weakly coupled method, a two-way fluid-structure coupled model was built based on the simulation platform ANSYS Workbench to effectively simulate the interaction between a steel tank and its internal explosion flow field, and obtain the steel tank’s structural dynamic responses. Meanwhile, the uncoupling calculation was done and the uncoupling method and the coupling one were compared and analyzed. It was shown that under internal vapor cloud explosion, the maximum plastic strain appears at the circumferential connection between tank roof and tank wall, this zone’s failure is the first to exceed the failure strain due to plastic strain; the deformation and failure model of the tank obtained with the coupling analysis are basically identical with those using the uncoupling analysis, the uncoupling analysis can preliminarily predict dynamic responses and dangerous areas of tanks more easily.


钢储罐 / 蒸气云爆炸 / 爆炸荷载 / 流固耦合 / 超压 / CFD

Key words

 steel tanks / vapor cloud explosion / explosion loading / fluid-structure coupling / overpressure / CFD


胡 可1,2,赵 阳1,王 钢2,郭艳军2. 蒸气云爆炸作用下钢储罐动力响应的双向流固耦合分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(15): 199-208
HU Ke2,1, ZHAO Yang1, WANG Gang2,GUO Yanjun2. Two-way fluid-structure coupled analysis for dynamic responses of steel tanks under vapor cloud explosion[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(15): 199-208


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