
宋希杰,刘超,杨帆, 査智力,初长虹,张重阳

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (17) : 25-31.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (17) : 25-31.


  • 宋希杰,刘超,杨帆, 査智力,初长虹,张重阳
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Tests for inlet vortex-induced pressure fluctuation of an axial flow pump

  • SONG Xijie,LIU Chao,YANG Fan,ZHA Zhili, CHU Changhong, ZHANG Chongyang
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从进水漩涡对轴流泵内部压力脉动影响的角度出发,通过进行压力脉动特性试验探究进水漩涡对轴流泵装置影响的机理。在轴流泵模型装置叶轮进口、叶轮出口及导叶出口安装压力脉动传感器,进行0.8Qd、Qd 、1.2Qd等3个典型工况下的压力脉动特性试验。结果表明:轴流泵装置内同一测点的压力脉动幅度在小流量工况下最大;大流量工况下,在叶轮进口测点P7处受进水漩涡的影响存在明显的压力波动,受到进水漩涡的影响在测点P7处的压力脉动幅值会出现陡升陡降的状况,相对于叶轮进口压力脉动幅值平均值其增幅分别是0.8Qd和Qd压力脉动增幅的3倍和2倍;漩涡发生频率为叶片通过频率,容易诱发机组的共振。


From the perspective of inlet vortex affecting pressure pulsation in an axial flow pump,the influence mechanism of inlet vortex on the axial flow pump was investigated using pressure fluctuation feature tests. Pressure pulsation sensors were installed at impeller inlet,impeller outlet and guide vane outlet. Pressure fluctuation tests were conducted under three typical operation conditions and the development process of inlet vortex was clearly captured using a high speed camera. The results showed that the amplitude of pressure pulsation under a small flow rate condition is the largest at one measured point of the axial flow pump device; the amplitude of pressure pulsation decreases gradually with increase in flow rate; the pressure pulsation excitation source in impeller inlet area is impeller rotating; pressure pulsation in impeller outlet area is caused due to the interaction between guide vane and impeller; pressure pulsation in guide vane outlet area is mainly influenced by outlet circulation; under a large flow rate condition,inlet vortex is developed to enter impeller area,increase the instability of flow field inside impeller and affect pressure pulsation inside impeller; the inlet vortex frequency is the blade passing one to be easy to cause the whole unit’s resonance.


轴流泵 / 模型试验 / 进水漩涡 / 压力脉动

Key words

axial-flow pump / model test / inlet vortex / pressure pulsation


宋希杰,刘超,杨帆, 査智力,初长虹,张重阳. 进水漩涡诱发轴流泵压力脉动的试验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(17): 25-31
SONG Xijie,LIU Chao,YANG Fan,ZHA Zhili, CHU Changhong, ZHANG Chongyang. Tests for inlet vortex-induced pressure fluctuation of an axial flow pump[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(17): 25-31


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