For multi-layer shear time-varying structures, local structures with time-varying happening were extracted as sub-structures using the sub-structure method, internal forces on interfaces were exerted on substructures as external loads, and then the dynamic differential equations of substructures were built.Based on wavelet transform, time-varying parameters were expressed with wavelet expanding coefficients, and then dynamic differential equations of substructures were converted to linear algebraic equation sets, so problems for identification of time-varying parameters were converted into ones for time-invariant wavelet coefficients solving.Decomposition layers of different time-varying parameters were determined using Akaike information criterion.Time-varying parameters were reconstructed using the solved wavelet coefficients.Finally, a model for a multi-layer shear time-varying structure was numerically stimulated, and the analysis results showed that the proposed method can be used to identify time-varying parameters of multi-layer shear structures with response data of local substructures and this method has a certain anti-noise capacity.
子结构 /
小波变换 /
参数识别 /
多层剪切结构 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
substructure /
wavelet transform /
parameter identification /
multi-layers shear type structure /
time-varying parameter
{{custom_keyword}} /
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