
蔡延年 1,于洪亮 1,2,闫锦 2,廖建彬 2,俞万能 2

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (19) : 50-55.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (19) : 50-55.


  • 蔡延年 1 ,于洪亮 1,2 ,闫锦 2 ,廖建彬 2 ,俞万能 2
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Global sensitivity analysis for a vibro-acoustic coupled model based on SEA

  • CAI Yannian1, YU Hongliang1,2, YAN Jin2,LIAO Jianbin2,YU Wanneng2
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In order to study influence laws of statistical energy parameter uncertainties on uncertainty of vibro-acoustic responses, Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (FAST) was applied to perform the parametric sensitivity analysis for a statistical energy vibro-acoustic model with three subsystems.It was shown that the most important parameter is the resonance coupling loss factor within a wide frequency band; the non-resonance coupling loss factor has a certain influence within a low frequency band; the coincidence effect changes the influence level of each parameter on the uncertainty of the output function under the critical frequency.The proposed method and conclusions could be used to identify the source of vibro-acoustic response uncertainty and contributions of different parameters.They provided a reference for designs of vibration and noise reduction based on SEA.


统计能量分析 / 全局灵敏度分析 / 傅里叶幅值灵敏度检验法 / 不确定性

Key words

statistical energy analysis / global sensitivity analysis / Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test / uncertainty


蔡延年 1,于洪亮 1,2,闫锦 2,廖建彬 2,俞万能 2. 基于统计能量分析原理的声振耦合模型全局灵敏度分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(19): 50-55
CAI Yannian1, YU Hongliang1,2, YAN Jin2,LIAO Jianbin2,YU Wanneng2. Global sensitivity analysis for a vibro-acoustic coupled model based on SEA[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(19): 50-55


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