
牛胜福 1,张立军 1,赵英龙 1,孟德建 1,曹诚 2,陈阳 3,马扎根 2,权循宇 2

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2) : 127-134.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2) : 127-134.


  • 牛胜福 1 , 张立军 1 ,赵英龙 1 ,孟德建 1 ,曹诚 2 ,陈阳 3 ,马扎根 2 ,权循宇 2
作者信息 +

Optimal design of vehicle cavity fillers’ arrangement based on flow of acoustic power

  • NIU Shengfu 1   Zhang Lijun 1  ZHAO Yinglong 1  MENG Dejian 1  CAO Cheng 2  CHEN Yang 3  MA Zhagen 2  QUAN Xunyu 2
Author information +
文章历史 +




Based on the principles of the statistical energy analysis (SEA), a whole-body model for a vehicle was constructed here. From the model, a side-body model was built and simplified to analyze the flow of acoustic power from excitation sources to the acoustic cavity inside the car’s passenger compartment. According to the analysis results including main excitations, major leaking positions and main paths of acoustic power flow, three different arrangements of cavity fillers were made. Cavity fillers were put into the whole-body model, the noise attenuation effects of cavity fillers in three arrangements were predicted, respectively. Through comparing three results, the optimal arrangement was obtained. The study results showed that the optimal arrangement with less cavity fillers has a better denoising effect than the original arrangement does.



统计能量分析 / 声能量传递 / 阻隔结构 / 侧围模型

Key words

 SEA / flow of acoustic power / cavity fillers / side-body model


牛胜福 1,张立军 1,赵英龙 1,孟德建 1,曹诚 2,陈阳 3,马扎根 2,权循宇 2 . 基于声能量传递分析的空腔阻隔结构布置方案设计[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(2): 127-134
NIU Shengfu 1 Zhang Lijun 1 ZHAO Yinglong 1 MENG Dejian 1 CAO Cheng 2 CHEN Yang 3 MA Zhagen 2 QUAN Xunyu 2 . Optimal design of vehicle cavity fillers’ arrangement based on flow of acoustic power[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(2): 127-134


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