As an underwater imaging sonar, the multi-beam echo sounding sonar (MBES) becomes one of the major oceanographic surveying tools in ocean activities, such as, marine scientific research, seabed resource development, ocean engineering construction and so on. The multi-beam synthetic aperture sonar (MBSAS) was proposed here, it was a combination of conventional synthetic aperture sonar and multi-beam echo sounding sonar to better meet the demands of underwater topography detection. Based on the MBSAS theory, the model of MBSAS was established to conduct verification tests. In tests, two hollow balls with the diameter of 13 cm were put into water at the single side of the basic matrix to transmit LFM signals with the center frequency of 180 kHz, the impulse width of 1ms and the bandwidth of 8 kHz. The targets were illuminated by sound sources with no directivity at different sampling positions along the course. Multi-beam synthetic aperture sonar images with high precision were obtained through the synthetic aperture processing. After comparing the imaging results of MBSAS with those of MBES and the side-scan synthetic aperture sonar (SSSAS), the MBSAS imaging theory’s effectiveness and correctness were verified. Advantages and disadvantages of MBSAS were analyzed, the results provided a reference for the future study.
多波束SAS /
成像声呐 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
multi-beam synthetic aperture sonar /
imaging sonar /
anechoic tank test
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