
黄 博 1,2,李琪群 1,2,凌道盛 1,2,王 宇 1,2

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2) : 6-16.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2) : 6-16.


  • 黄  博 1,2,李琪群 1,2,凌道盛 1,2,王  宇 1,2
作者信息 +

Analysis of dynamic stress path due to oblique incidence of SV-waves and its influencing factors

  •   HUANG Bo 1,2   LI Qi-qun 1,2  LING Dao-sheng 1,2  WANG Yu 1,2
Author information +
文章历史 +




Dynamic stress path is the key to study site seismic responses. Based on the wave theory, dynamic stress produced due to oblique incidence of SV-waves at any depth of an elastic semi-infinite space was derived. The results of this method agreed well with those of the conventional simplified method used to estimate seismic dynamic stress in soil dynamics when the incident angle of SV-wave was zero and the soil body stiffness was larger. The characteristics of the dynamic stress path due to oblique incidence of SV-waves were revealed. It was proved mathematically that the dynamic stresses due to oblique incidence of SV-waves form an oblique ellipse in a plane of two shear stress components (normal stress difference and horizontal shear stress). Sensitivity analysis of parameters was done. It was shown that incidence angle, Poisson’s ratio, and depth/wave length are the basic factors affecting the dynamic stress path. The results laid a theoretical foundation for further studying site dynamic responses under oblique incidence of seismic waves.


SV波 / 斜入射 / 弹性半空间 / 动应力路径 / 双剪应力平面

Key words

SV-waves / oblique incidence / elastic semi-infinite space / dynamic stress path / a plane of two shear stress components


黄 博 1,2,李琪群 1,2,凌道盛 1,2,王 宇 1,2. SV波斜入射形成的动应力路径及影响因素分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(2): 6-16
HUANG Bo 1,2 LI Qi-qun 1,2 LING Dao-sheng 1,2 WANG Yu 1,2. Analysis of dynamic stress path due to oblique incidence of SV-waves and its influencing factors[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(2): 6-16


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