An axial ultrasonic assisted grinding (AUAG) method was proposed to overcome the problems existing in milling grinding and small-hole grinding process of strong and tough materials, such as poor surface roughness caused by low grinding speed.Firstly, the ground surface generation in AUAG was investigated with a geometric analysis method.Then a series of AUAG and conventional grinding (CG) tests were carried out on 9Cr18 stainless steel.The ground surface roughness and surface topography of CG and AUAG was compared.The results showed that axial ultrasonic vibration (AUV) could improve ground surface roughness effectively and the effectiveness of AUV was influenced by the grinding parameters.The most influential factor on AUV effectiveness was grinding speed, followed by grinding depth and feed rate.The effectiveness of AUV was weakened with the increase of grinding speed and grinding depth.However, when feed rate increased, the effectiveness of AUV was slightly enhanced.
表面粗糙度 /
轴向超声振动 /
磨削速度 /
磨削深度 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
surface roughness /
axial ultrasonic vibration /
grinding speed /
grinding depth /
feed rate
{{custom_keyword}} /
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