

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (23) : 52-60.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (23) : 52-60.


  • 鞠锦勇1,2,李威1,范孟豹1,王禹桥1,杨雪锋1
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Dynamic bifurcation analysis of electro-mechanical coupled torsional vibration for main transmission system of scraper conveyer driven by permanent magnet motor

  • JU Jinyong1,2,LI Wei1,FAN Mengbao1,WANG Yuqiao1,YANG Xuefeng1
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It is an effective method to adopt a high-power alternating current (AC) permanent magnet motor to directly drive a scraper conveyer system,decrease its intermediate transmission links and achieve the aim of improving the system reliability and reducing its energy consumption.Here,a scraper conveyer driven by a permanent magnet motor was taken as a study object.Firstly,considering the torsional vibration instability of its main transmission system and its complex electro-mechanical coupled feature,the system’s global electro-mechanical coupled dynamic model was constructed with Lagrange-Maxwell equations.Then,Hopf bifurcation characteristics of the main transmission system under the action of a class of nonlinear friction damping were investigated and the system stable region was obtained with Hurwitz criterion.At the main transmission system’s instability boundary point,the center manifold theory was adopted to reduce the dimension of the system dynamic model,and the relationship between Hopf bifurcation type and nonlinear friction damping coefficient was deduced using the normative theory.The correctness of the theoretical analysis was verified with numerical simulation results.The study results provided a theoretical basis for the stable operation of scraper conveyers driven by permanent magnet motors.


交流永磁电机 / 刮板输送机 / 主传动系统 / 扭振 / Hopf分岔

Key words

AC permanent magnet motor / scraper conveyor / main transmission system / torsional oscillation / Hopf bifurcation


鞠锦勇1,2,李威1,范孟豹1,王禹桥1,杨雪锋1. 永磁电机驱动的刮板输送机主传动系统机电耦合扭振动态分岔研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(23): 52-60
JU Jinyong1,2,LI Wei1,FAN Mengbao1,WANG Yuqiao1,YANG Xuefeng1. Dynamic bifurcation analysis of electro-mechanical coupled torsional vibration for main transmission system of scraper conveyer driven by permanent magnet motor[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(23): 52-60


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