An innovative shock absorber based on the failure of composite tube was presented.The energy absorber is composed of a composite tube and a connecting cap at both ends, wherein the inner surface of one connecting cap is plane, and the inner surface of the other connecting cap is a curved surface.The tube was folded and pushed into itself cavityunder axially impact.There is no debris overflowing after the composites collapsing, and the debris filled in the inner of tube increases energy absorption.The impact energy was mainly absorbed by the fracture of fiber, delamination and friction between composite tube and the cylinder wall of the sleeve.The correspondingstatic and dynamic impact experiments had been conducted to explore the effect of curvature of the inner cap surface on energy absorption.The results show that this innovative energy absorber is applicable for light weight crash worthy structures in terms of decreasing the initial peak load and increasing specific energy absorption (SEA).
复合材料管 /
冲击吸能器 /
向内翻转 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
composite tube /
shock absorber /
inward introverting /
specific energy absorption
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