为探讨桥梁建模相关不确定性对结构地震需求的影响,促进基于性能的桥梁抗震设计方法在实际工程中的应用,以一座4×30m的钢筋混凝土连续梁桥为例,考虑材料(Material Uncertainty, MU)、边界(Boundary Uncertainty, BU)和结构(Structural Uncertainty, SU)三类桥梁建模相关的不确定性,基于OpenSEES程序建立多参数化有限元动力分析模型,输入22条标准化的远场地震波进行非线性时程分析,根据分析结果进行概率条带分析,并基于龙卷风图对各种不确定性进行了敏感性研究。结果表明:随着地震动强度的增加,影响结构地震需求预测的建模不确定性因素越多;建模不确定性对构件响应均值( )和对数标准差( )的影响不完全相同;SU对所有的工程需求参数(Engineering Demand Parameter, EDP)都有较大影响,但BU的影响却因EDP的不同而不同;相比SU和BU不确定性的影响,MU不确定性的影响相对较小。
In order to explore the impact of bridge modeling uncertainties on the seismic demand and improve the application of performance-based seismic design of bridges in practical engineering, a reinforced concrete continuous bridge consisting of four 30 m spans was taken as a case study.The OpenSEES software was applied to build a multiple dimension parameterized finite element model considering the uncertainties derived from structural material, boundary and the structure itself.Twenty two standardized far-fault ground motions were used to conduct the nonlinear time-history analysis.Based on the analysis results, the probabilistic stripe analysis method and the tornado diagram were adopted to investigate the sensitivity of various uncertainties.It is concluded that, the number of uncertainty parameters that affect the seismic demand prediction of the bridge is increased with earthquake intensity.The impact of the modeling uncertainties on the mean value (μ) and logarithmic standard deviation (ζ) is not consistent.Structural uncertainties have great impact on all engineering demand parameters, while the impact of the boundary uncertainty is dependent on different engineering demand parameter.Compared to the impact of the structural and boundary uncertainties, the impact of the material uncertainty is relatively less.
桥梁工程 /
地震需求 /
条带分析 /
建模不确定性 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
bridge engineering /
seismic demand /
stripe analysis /
modeling uncertainty /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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