为了对摇摆自复位高墩中的高阶效应进行控制,首先需要对高阶效应进行定量评价。在对比已有研究方法的基础上,采用模态分解法对摇摆自复位高墩中各阶模态响应进行计算。在对目前已有的高阶效应贡献指标进行分析的基础上,提出了新的适用于评价摇摆自复位结构摇摆过程中高阶效应贡献的指标。以3种不同强度下的7条地震动作为输入,利用OpenSEES 建立的2弹簧摇摆模型对某铁路摇摆自复位高桥墩的高阶效应进行了研究。结果表明高阶效应贡献随地震动强度的增大而增大,墩底剪力对高阶效应最为敏感,第二、三阶模态贡献分别可达第一阶模态贡献的97%和27%;墩底弯矩次之,第二阶模态贡献为第一阶模态贡献的34%;墩顶位移最不敏感,第二阶模态贡献仅为第一阶模态贡献的8%。
In order to control the higher mode effect on rocking self-centering tall piers, the contribution of higher mode should be assessed quantitatively.Based on comparison of current research methods, a mode decomposition method was adopted to calculate the contribution of higher mode for rocking self-centering tall piers.A new index that can be used to assess the contribution of higher mode during rocking was put forward based on the analysis of current various indexes.Using seven ground motion records for three different intensities as input, the higher mode contribution of a rocking self-centering tall railway bridge pier was studied with two springs rocking model built in OpenSEES.Results show that higher mode contribution increases with the ground motion intensity.Base shear is the most sensitive structural response to higher mode effect and the contribution of the second and third mode is 97% and 27% of the first mode.The contribution of the second mode to the base moment is 34% of the first mode.Pier top displacement is not sensitive to higher mode.The contribution of the second mode to pier top displacement is only 8% of the first mode.
摇摆自复位高墩 /
高阶效应 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
rocking self-centering tall pier /
higher mode effect /
mode decomposition method
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