
蔡耀全1 曾凡明1 刘金林1 刘树勇1

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4) : 60-66.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4) : 60-66.


  • 蔡耀全1 曾凡明1 刘金林1 刘树勇1
作者信息 +

Shafting Operating State Effects on Shafting-Base -Hull Coupling Vibration 

  • CAI Yaoquan1,ZENG Fanming1,LIU Jinlin1,Liu Shuyong1
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文章历史 +




Propeller-shaft systems and hull stern coupling vibration is the most important factor for hull vibration and noise reduction. To find out the basic excitation mechanism has important significance to the recognition and efficient control of vibration and noise. According to the operating state of shafting, the factors such as operating conditions, alignment state, and exciting force which have an effect on shafting-base-hull coupling vibration are based on FEM rotor dynamic theory to analysis. Under the straight alignment, the oil and water film 8-dynamic coefficients are calculated by Reynolds equation for four shafting operating states, the stiffness and damping matrices of single multipoint support bearing are established, the FEM of shafting-base-hull is established. Based on this, alignment state effect on shafting-base-hull coupling vibration is analyzed by FEM power flow, according the result of system dynamic response. The result shows that different operating states can induce different internal stress, different bending deformation and then the change of bearing characteristic. With the corresponding, the power flow passed hull can change which induce system coupling vibration and cause different noise.


功率流 / 油膜动力特性系数 / 耦合振动

Key words

  / power flow oil dynamic coefficient coupling vibration


蔡耀全1 曾凡明1 刘金林1 刘树勇1. 轴系运行工况对轴系-基座-壳体耦合振动影响研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(4): 60-66
CAI Yaoquan1,ZENG Fanming1,LIU Jinlin1,Liu Shuyong1. Shafting Operating State Effects on Shafting-Base -Hull Coupling Vibration [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(4): 60-66


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