The random vibration of a skewed propeller-shaft system induced by homogeneous turbulence was numerically investigated. Firstly, the unsteady pressure spectrum exerted on the propeller surface by homogeneous turbulence was computed with the correlation analysis method to obtain its spatial distribution. Secondly, taking the computed unsteady pressure spectrum as the input, the elastic vibration responses of the system were solved with the random vibration theory. The results were compared with those of the corresponding rigid propeller-shaft system. Finally, the effects of elasticity, damping, etc, on random vibration responses of the system were analyzed through varying the system’s dynamic parameters. The results showed that the softer the shaft material and the harder the propeller blade material, the smaller the random vibration responses of the system induced by turbulence; increasing the system’s damping can obviously decrease vibration responses of the system near its natural frequencies. This study laid a foundation for further studying vibration and noise reduction of skewed propeller-shaft systems in submarines.
侧斜桨 /
湍流 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
skewed propeller /
turbulence /
random vibration
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