
王浩 柯世堂

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (7) : 69-76.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (7) : 69-76.


  • 王浩      柯世堂
作者信息 +

Extreme wind pressure of a super-large cylindrical-cone steel cooling tower based on large eddy simulation

  • WANG Hao      KE Shitang
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文章历史 +




Taking a domestic super large steel cylindrical-cone cooling tower (189m) to be constructed as an example, numerical wind tunnel tests were conducted based on large eddy simulation (LES) to get 3-D aerodynamic force histories on its surface and flow-field distribution state around it. Comparing the numerical simulation results with those of field measurements home and abroad and actual wind tunnel tests, their correctness and effectiveness were verified. Furthermore, the traditional peak factor method, the improved peak factor one and Sadek-Simiu one were employed to analyze the peak factor and the extreme wind pressure of this cool tower contrastively. The 1-D and 2-D fitting formulas for the extreme wind pressures of cylinder and cone parts of the tower and suggestions of value-selecting were deduced based on the non-linear least square method. The study showed that the wind loads on the cool tower’s surface negative pressure extremum zone and near the separation zone reveal obvious non-Gaussian features; the extreme wind pressure values calculated with the peak factor method based on Gaussian distribution are smaller than the specified value in the code; the extreme wind pressures at leeward side of cylinder part and cone part are greater than the specified value in the code; the extreme wind pressures at windward side and lateral wind side of cone part are close to the specified value in the code GB/T 50102-2014, while the extreme wind pressures at windward side and lateral side of cylinder part are close to the specified value in the code GB50009-2012; the calculated results with fitting formulas for extremum wind pressure proposed here agree well with those actually measured on the tower; the main conclusions obtained here provide a reference for wind loads design of this type cool tower.


直筒-锥段型钢结构冷却塔 / 大涡模拟 / 峰值因子 / 非高斯特性 / 极值风压 / 拟合公式


王浩 柯世堂. 基于大涡模拟超大直筒-锥段型钢结构冷却塔极值风压研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(7): 69-76
WANG Hao KE Shitang. Extreme wind pressure of a super-large cylindrical-cone steel cooling tower based on large eddy simulation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(7): 69-76


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