

振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8) : 68-74.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8) : 68-74.


  • 蔡安江1,刘磊1,李玲1,张华1,杨选文2,郑涛3
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Analysis on contact characteristic and mechanism of concaveerrors caused by shaving

  • CAI Anjiang1, LIU Lei1, LI Ling1, ZHANG Hua1, YANG Yuanwen2, ZHEN Tao3
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探索剃齿过程中接触特性对齿形中凹误差的影响规律,对研究中凹误差形成机理具有重要的理论和实际意义。基于弹塑性理论和齿面承载接触分析技术(loaded tooth contact analysis,LTCA),构建力学模型分析不同载荷条件下剃齿啮合接触特性,阐述了中凹误差形成机理。应用有限元法明确了不同载荷条件下的齿面接触应力及齿廓弹塑性变形区域的划分,并与剃齿试验相比较。结果表明:随着载荷的增加齿廓上塑性变形区域随之非线性增大;齿根部位较之齿顶所受的应力和变形量更大,峰值出现在节圆附近的中部位置,该区域最易出现塑性变形,同时随着剃齿低周啮合,塑性变形量不断累积,齿形误差复映,最终会在齿廓上出现明显的中凹误差现象;有限元仿真的接触应力和弹塑性区域划分结果可靠,试验验证理论分析及研究结论正确。


Considering the influence of dynamic contact characteristic in gear shaving is of great significance for analyzing the mechanism of concaveerrors caused by shaving. Here, a mechanical model was established by the elastoplastic theory and loaded tooth contact analysis (LTCA). The meshing contact characteristic under different loading conditions was obtained by corresponding calculation methods with the model. The formation mechanism of the concave error was described. In order to verify the correctness of the calculation, the data of contact stressstrain and the partition of elastoplastic deformation were identified by the finite element method (FEM). The shaving experiment was performed to verify the theoretical analysis. The result shows that the area of plastic deformation increases nonlinearly with the load. The stress of the dedendum area is larger than the addendum’s and the maximum of stressstrain appears in areas near the pitchcircle (PC). The accumulation of plastic deformation and mapping of the errors in the periodic shaving make obvious concave errors. Compared with simulated results of FEM and shaving test, the values of stress and the partition of plastic deformation are reliable, and the conclusion about transmission performance of gear shaving are correct.


剃齿 / 中凹误差 / 弹塑性变形 / 齿面承载接触分析 / 有限元法

Key words

gear shaving / concave-errors / elastoplastic deformation / loaded tooth contact analysis;finite element method


蔡安江1,刘磊1,李玲1,张华1,杨选文2,郑涛3. 剃齿啮合的接触特性分析及中凹误差形成机理研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(8): 68-74
CAI Anjiang1, LIU Lei1, LI Ling1, ZHANG Hua1, YANG Yuanwen2, ZHEN Tao3. Analysis on contact characteristic and mechanism of concaveerrors caused by shaving[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(8): 68-74


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