

振动与冲击 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (24) : 8-17.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (24) : 8-17.


  • 何意1,肖毅1,苏众庆2
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Contact damping characteristics of delaminated composite plates

  • HE Yi1,XIAO Yi1,SU Zhongqing2
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Damping performance is a high-sensitivity dynamic parameter that can be utilized to identify delamination.The damping of the delaminated composite plates contains material damping and contact damping, material damping was calculated based on the strain energy method, and contact damping was analyzed by a static-slip-integrated friction energy-dissipated model.The finite element models (FEMs) were developed by using the Abaqus software to simulate the dynamic responses of delaminated composite plates, in which, the normal contact stiffness and contact damping were introduced via the penalty stiffness method and equivalent viscous damping, respectively.The free decay test was set up to measure the dynamic parameters of the plates with different delamination sizes and locations in thickness direction.The results show that the higher the delamination ratio is, the more the first-order modal damping of the laminate rises, and the contact damping plays a major role in the rising.The experimental results are in good agreement with the FEMs' results, which verifies the rationality and accuracy of the FEMs.


复合材料层合板 / 分层损伤 / 有限元分析 / 接触阻尼 / 罚刚度法

Key words

laminated composites / delamination / finite element analysis / contact damping / penalty stiffness method


何意1,肖毅1,苏众庆2. 含分层复合材料层合板的接触阻尼特性[J]. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(24): 8-17
HE Yi1,XIAO Yi1,SU Zhongqing2. Contact damping characteristics of delaminated composite plates[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2019, 38(24): 8-17


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