本文实验研究了大雷诺数、小质量比、近自由水面的弹性支撑刚性圆柱流激振动. 利用了低湍流度的循环水槽施加不同来流条件,采用虚拟弹簧阻尼系统(Vck)测量圆柱的流激振动幅值和频率。研究结果表明:约化速度由低到高,近自由表面处采用被动湍流控制技术(PTC)的圆柱流激振动可分为三个典型区域,分别为涡激振动区、涡激振动向驰振转化区和驰振区。涡激振动发生时,自由表面效应对光滑圆柱涡激振动以及PTC圆柱的流激振动影响不明显;驰振发生时,较大的约化速度对应较高弗洛德数,自由表面对弹性支撑刚性PTC圆柱的流激振动影响逐渐显著。研究成果可为海流能发电装置VIVACE提供必要的理论指导和技术支撑。
In this paper,a series of experimental studies on FIV of single cylinder with low mass ratio and large Reynolds number were carried out in a low turbulence free surface water channel.Cylinder response was measured by a virtual spring-damping system (Vck).It can be found that a single cylinder near free surface with Passive Turbulence Control (PTC) generally behaves three typical response types,i.e.vortex-induced vibration (VIV),transition region and galloping.The influence of the free surface is not obvious when the cylinder responds as VIV.In addition,significant effect of the free surface can be observed when the cylinder vibrates as galloping.The experimental results can provide strong support for the application of VIVACE (VIV for Aquatic Clean Energy Converter) which is one efficient device for extracting clean and renewable hydrokinetic energy from ocean flow.
海流能 /
被动湍流控制(PTC) /
圆柱 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Ocean flow energy;VIVACE;Passive Turbulence Control (PTC) /
Circular cylinder /
Free surface;
{{custom_keyword}} /
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