

振动与冲击 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4) : 90-94.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4) : 90-94.


  • 郭子涛1,陈拓2,郭钊1,张伟
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A study on the cavitation expansion related characteristics induced by horizontal water entry of projectiles

  • GUO Zitao1,CHEN Tuo2,GUO Zhao1,ZHANG Wei2
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本文利用轻气炮设备对平头、半球型、截卵形柱形弹以及圆球形弹进行了速度在100m/s~300m/s的水平入水实验,利用高速相机记录了弹体入水和空泡扩展的详细过程,用能量守恒的观点间接考察了空泡内外压差 ∆p 随入水侵彻位移的变化规律,同时研究了入水弹道上不同截面处的空泡扩展速度特性及空泡半径达到最大时的平均扩展速度。结果表明空泡内外压差 ∆p 沿侵彻深度总体上有两种变化模式,同一工况下,侵彻轨迹上不同截面处的空泡壁扩展平均速度基本一致。实验结果与理论计算吻合较好。


In this paper,the horizontal water-entry experiments of flat,hemispherical,truncated-ogival and spherical projectiles at the velocity range of 100—300 m/s have been conducted with a light-gas gun.The whole water entry and cavitation expansion processes were recorded by a high-speed camera.Variation laws of the pressure difference Δp along the penetration distance were indirectly investigated by the principle of energy conservation.Moreover,the average cavity wall velocity at different cavity sections which are along the penetration distance was also studied.Two variation laws were found for the pressure difference Δp,and results show that the average cavity wall velocity  remains consistent basically for different cavity sections along the ballistic trajectory which is in the same water-entry condition.Good agreements were observed between experimental and analytical results.


水平入水 / 空泡内外压差 / 空泡扩展平均速度 / 理论模型

Key words

horizontal water entry / pressure difference / average cavity expansion velocity / theoretical model


郭子涛1,陈拓2,郭钊1,张伟 . 弹体水平入水的空泡扩展相关特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(4): 90-94
GUO Zitao1,CHEN Tuo2,GUO Zhao1,ZHANG Wei2. A study on the cavitation expansion related characteristics induced by horizontal water entry of projectiles[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2019, 38(4): 90-94


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