
杨康 1,杨德庆 1,2,吴秉鸿 1

振动与冲击 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6) : 7-14.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6) : 7-14.


  • 杨康 1 , 杨德庆 1,2,吴秉鸿 1
作者信息 +

Impedance optimization design of base structures with high transmission loss

  • YANG Kang 1   YANG Deqing 1,2  WU Binghong 2
Author information +
文章历史 +




The design method for base structures with high transmission loss based on the impedance optimization was studied, and the quantitative relationship about high transmission loss was defined. By introducing the concept of impedance magnitude, a method describing the damping effect of base structures was proposed based on the impedance magnitude level, and the design method for base structures with high transmission loss was put forward through the impedance integrated optimization. Taking a surface vessel as a computational example, the vibration response characters of the base structure of its hold frame were analysed by using the FEM software, in which the technique of single point excitation and multi points responses was adopted to compute the impedances. By the example, it was validated that describing the damping effect of base structures of ships by using the concept of impedance magnitude level is feasible. By virtue of the approximation agent model optimization method in the Isight, platform, the topological lay-out of square stell elements in different locations on the pedestal frame system was investigated, where the square steel parameters were taken as design variables to realize the multi-factor composite resistance vibration optimization design. A set of impedance optimization design methods for high transmission loss base structures were proposed, which provides pratical engineering ways to improve the vibration reduction performance of base structures.


基座 / 阻抗 / 阻抗级 / 高传递损失 / 阻振优化 / 减振

Key words

base structures / impedance / impedance magnitude / high transmission / resistance vibration optimization / vibration reduction


杨康 1,杨德庆 1,2,吴秉鸿 1. 高传递损失基座阻抗优化设计法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(6): 7-14
YANG Kang 1 YANG Deqing 1,2 WU Binghong 2. Impedance optimization design of base structures with high transmission loss[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2019, 38(6): 7-14


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