Considering that the early fault characteristics of the vibration signals of the vulnerable components such as bearings and gears monitored during the operation of wind turbines are weak and difficult to extract, a fault feature extraction method based on VMD was proposed.The deep belief network was used to troubleshoot the faults.In order to overcome the influence of the parameters of the variational mode decomposition on the feature extraction, the number of decompositions was determined based on the correlation coefficients of each component, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to optimize the penalty factor.The improved variational mode decomposition was applied to the vibration signals analysis and processing.Based on this, the permutation entropy and rms value of each modal component were further extracted and the high-dimensional eigenvectors formed by them were used as the input of the deep beilef network to establish an early fault diagnosis model.Finally, fault diagnosis and analysis of wind turbine drive fault diagnosis experimental platform early fault data and an offshore wind turbine site signal were carried out.The results show that the method can extract the weak features of fault signals of fan vulnerable components more accurately and steadily.
变分模态分解 /
多特征提取 /
深度置信网络 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
variational mode decomposition /
multi-feature extraction /
deep belief network /
fault diagnosis
{{custom_keyword}} /
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