在地震模拟隧道振动台模型试验研究中,模型箱设计合理与否,将直接关系到隧道结构动力响应数据的可靠性。以高烈度地震区穿越不良地质地段山岭隧道工程为依托,主要设计了穿越基覆交界面隧道整体式刚性模型箱和穿越活动断层隧道错动式刚性模型箱,通过模态分析,分析了土-箱共振和箱体承载力问题,提出了模型箱加固技术方案,避免模型土-模型箱结构的共振和承载力不足的问题。采用8 m×10 m大型振动台开展两种不同条件下山岭隧道结构动力响应研究,试验及分析结果表明两种不同地质条件下振动台模型箱具有良好的边界性能,提高了不良地质段隧道结构动力响应的试验结果的可靠性,为同类地震动模型试验模型箱研究奠定了基础。
The design rationality of a model box has extremely influence on the reliability of dynamic response data of a tunnel structure in the study on a tunnel seismic simulation shaking table test.Based on the engineering with mountain tunnels crossing bad geology regions in high intensity seismic areas, the integral rigid model box of a tunnel crossing the base-overlying interface and the staggered rigid model box of the tunnel crossing the fault were designed.By modal analysis, soil-box resonance and bearing capacity of boxes were analyzed, and reinforcement cases were put forward to avoid the problems of resonance and insufficient bearing capacity.Moreover, a large-scale shaking table with dimension 8 m×10 m was adopted to test the dynamic response of mountain tunnels under two different conditions.The results show that model boxes have good boundary performance.The reliability of the results is improved, which lays the foundation for similar study on shaking a table test model box.
隧道工程 /
错动式刚性模型箱 /
整体式刚性模型箱 /
模态分析 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
tunnel engineering /
staggered rigid model box /
integral rigid model box /
modal analysis /
high performance seismic simulation shaking table
{{custom_keyword}} /
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