

振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 113-120.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 113-120.


  • 吴刚1,王克海2,宋帅3,吴必涛1,王帅3
作者信息 +

Investigation of seismic damage and analysis of damage mode of curved bridges with different restraint systems

  • WU Gang1,WANG Kehai2,SONG Shuai3,WU Bitao1,WANG Shuai3
Author information +
文章历史 +




In order to identify the cause of earthquake damage, structural force transfer mechanism and weak components of curved bridge under earthquake, investigation of the seismic damage and analysis of damage mode system of curved bridges with different restraint systems are carried out. The seismic damages of several curved bridges with different restraint systems occurred in Wenchuan earthquake are summarized. First, the nonlinear time-history method is used to compare and analyze the damage state and damage sequence of different components of curved bridges with different restraint systems under different level ground motions. Then the transmission mechanism and energy dissipation mechanism of curved bridges with different restraint systems are discussed. The results show that the typical seismic damage of curved bridges mainly appearances the main girder rigid body displacement, which is accompanied by in plane rotation. The main girder is easy to collide with the shear keys and abutment due to the movement. Therefore, the influence of bidirectional collision effect of main girder should be considered in the seismic analysis. The restraint system is a key weak component of the bridge system, which is prone to damage under earthquake, and it could be designed as “fuse element”. The difference of seismic damage performance and force transfer mechanism of curved bridges with different restraint systems is obvious, which mainly depends on the mechanical characteristics of the restraint system. It is recommended that bridges with rubber bearings should be reasonably set with movement limitation devices, and bridges with fixed piers should strengthen the plastic hinges of the bridge piers.


桥梁工程 / 约束体系 / 震害调查 / 损伤模式

Key words

Bridge engineering / restraint system / seismic damage investigation / damage mode


吴刚1,王克海2,宋帅3,吴必涛1,王帅3. 不同约束体系曲线梁桥震害调查及损伤模式分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(12): 113-120
WU Gang1,WANG Kehai2,SONG Shuai3,WU Bitao1,WANG Shuai3. Investigation of seismic damage and analysis of damage mode of curved bridges with different restraint systems[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(12): 113-120


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