

振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 121-128.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 121-128.


  • 杨辉1,刘亚红1,侯秀慧2,尹冠生1
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A study on the mechanical properties of aluminum honeycomb under combined shear-compression loading

  • YANG Hui1,LIU Yahong1,HOU Xiuhui2,YIN Guansheng1
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The deformation characteristics of aluminium honeycomb under combined compression-shear loads were studied by experiment. The numerical models of aluminium honeycomb were established based on the experiment to analyze the influence of parameters for the mechanical behaviors of aluminium honeycomb under combined compression-shear loads. The results show that the deformation of aluminum honeycomb gradually changes from one end (loading end) to two ends (loading end and non-loading end) when loaded at TL plane. When loaded at TW plane, the deformation of honeycomb occurs at one end (loading end), and the debondings are more likely to occur during the loading process. The peak load, average load and specific energy of honeycomb are negatively correlated with the value of l/t under combined compression-shear loads. If the values of l/t of honeycombs are the same, the smaller the length l and the wall thickness t are, the larger the average load and specific energy of the honeycomb are. The change of length l has greater effects on the average load of honeycomb than the change of wall thickness t. Increasing the height of honeycomb will reduce the energy absorption efficiency.


铝蜂窝 / 组合荷载 / 数值分析 / 力学响应

Key words

aluminum honeycomb / combined loads / numerical analysis / mechanical response


杨辉1,刘亚红1,侯秀慧2,尹冠生1. 铝蜂窝在压-剪组合荷载作用下的力学特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(12): 121-128
YANG Hui1,LIU Yahong1,HOU Xiuhui2,YIN Guansheng1. A study on the mechanical properties of aluminum honeycomb under combined shear-compression loading[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(12): 121-128


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