Aluminum honeycomb sandwich composite structures are increasingly used in the aviation industry, high-speed trains and automobile bodies. Its sound insulation performance has an important impact on the cabin and interior noise. In this paper, a finite element model of sandwich composite structure with the carbon fiber panels and aluminum honeycomb core is established. The response of structures excited by acoustic loads are achieved by using of the finite element method, and the sound insulation performance of the composite structure are calculated and analyzed, the influence of panel layer number, laying angle, thickness of carbon fiber panel on sound insulation performance are analyzed and compared, the thickness of aluminum honeycomb core layer and aluminum honeycomb wall thickness on sound insulation performance are also analyzed and compared. The results show that the sound insulation of aluminum honeycomb composite structure with carbon fiber panels is lower than that of aluminum honeycomb sandwich structure with the aluminium material panels at low frequencies smaller than 1000Hz, and at high frequencies, there is a more lower level of sound insulation at the sound insulation trough with the same panel thickness. Compared with the aluminum alloy panel, when the composite structure panel is made of carbon fiber composite material, the overall structure can be lightened and the sound insulation performance of the composite structure can be improved.The sound insulation of the composite structure is the best when the layers are laid at relative 90 degrees, with the increase of the thickness of the panel, the sound insulation level of the composite structure increases. When the total thickness of the panel layer remains unchanged, single-layer panels or panels with too many layers will reduce the sound insulation level.
复合结构 /
碳纤维 /
铝蜂窝夹芯 /
有限元 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
complex structure /
carbon fibre panel /
aluminum honeycomb core /
finite element /
sound insulation
{{custom_keyword}} /
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