Numerical simulation using hybrid method was employed to analyze the aeolian noise generated by single and twin bundled conductors. The calculating model of the single conductor was built based on its stranded shape. The wind and acoustic field of the single conductor were analyzed and compared with those of smooth circular cylinder with same diameter. Finally, the wind and acoustic field of twin bundled conductors in horizontal and vertical arrangements were also studied. Results show that drag coefficient and sound pressure level (SPL) of the single conductor are smaller than those of the smooth circular cylinder with same diameter, whereas the Strouhal number of the conductor are bigger than that of the circular cylinder. In the dominating frequency range, the SPL directionality of the conductor and circular cylinder has a shape of figure-of-eight, and in the range away from the dominating frequency, the SPL directionality has a shape of circle, indicating that the aeolian noise generated by conductors and circular cylinders belongs to the dipole type of acoustic source. The overall sound pressure level (OASPL) of conductors and circular cylinder has a shape of almost circle shape and a little bit shape of figure-of-eight. The OASPL of twin bundled conductors in vertical arrangement are equaled to that of two single conductors. The OASPL of twin bundled conductors in vertical arrangement are slightly smaller than that of twin bundled conductors in horizontal arrangement.
风噪声 /
光滑圆柱 /
双分裂导线 /
数值模拟 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
aeolian noise /
smooth circular cylinder /
twin bundled conductors /
numerical simulation /
large eddy simulation;
{{custom_keyword}} /
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