

振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (22) : 28-34.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (22) : 28-34.


  • 雷虎军1,2,黄炳坤1,刘伟1,黄江泽1
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Error analysis and improvement of the large mass method used in elastic-plastic response analysis of bridges subjected to non-uniform seismic

  • LEI Hujun1,2,HUANG Bingkun1,LIU Wei1,HUANG Jiangze1
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针对大质量法计算大跨桥梁非一致弹塑性地震响应可能存在的误差,本文基于结构弹塑性分析理论,以某(56+100+56)m大跨连续刚构桥为工程背景,采用Midas Civil 2015建立弹塑性分析模型并利用大质量法处理模型边界行成非一致弹塑性分析模型,通过输入3条实测地震波计算结构的弹塑性地震响应,探讨了大质量法存在的误差并提出了修正方法。结果表明:大质量法直接用于求解桥梁结构的非一致弹塑性地震响应存在误差,会使求得的桥墩关键断面弯矩偏小,其根本原因是大质量法改变了结构的边界条件,使固定约束变成了滑动约束,导致求得的恒载弯矩偏小;通过在原大质量法中沿地震动输入方向添加刚度为K的弹性约束同时按照公式 修正输入地震波可实现大质量法的高精度修正,K可与大质量系数M取相同值;对于本文的计算条件,修正后的大质量法求得的桥墩关键断面弹塑性弯矩相对误差降低至0.135%。本文的研究成果可用于任意大跨结构的非一致弹塑性地震响应计算。


Aiming at the error of the large mass method (LMM) used in elastic-plastic responses analysis of long-span bridges subjected to non-uniform seismic, a continuous rigid frame bridge with spans of (56+100+56) m was used as an engineering background.Based on the elastic-plastic theory, the non-uniform elastic-plastic analysis model set up by Midas Civil 2015 was utilized, in which the boundary conditions were modeled by the LMM.Then, the elastic-plastic seismic responses of the bridge were calculated by inputing three field measured seismic waves, the error of LMM was discussed, and the improved method for the LMM was proposed.The results show that there are errors resulted from the LMM used in elastic-plastic seismic responses analysis of long-span bridges and the bending moment at the key section of the bridge pier tends to be smaller.The fundamental reason is that the LMM changes the boundary conditions of the structure, it changes the fixed constraints into the sliding constraints, and results in less bending moment under constant load.By adding an elastic constraint with stiffness of K along the input direction of ground motion in the original LMM and modifying the input seismic wave according to the formula u??g+αu?g+ug, a high-precision correction of the LMM was realized, where K took the same value as the large-mass coefficient M.With the calculation condition in the paper, the relative error of the elastic-plastic bending moment at the key section of bridge pier is reduced to 0.135% by the modified LMM.The results can be used to calculate the non-uniform elastic-plastic seismic response of large span structures.


连续刚构桥 / 大质量法 / 一致激励法 / 弹塑性分析 / 恒载效应

Key words

continuous rigid frame bridge / large mass method(LMM) / uniform excitation method / elastic-plastic responses analysis / constant load effect


雷虎军1,2,黄炳坤1,刘伟1,黄江泽1. 大质量法在桥梁非一致弹塑性地震响应分析中的误差与改进[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(22): 28-34
LEI Hujun1,2,HUANG Bingkun1,LIU Wei1,HUANG Jiangze1. Error analysis and improvement of the large mass method used in elastic-plastic response analysis of bridges subjected to non-uniform seismic[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(22): 28-34


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