Based on the theory of linear elasticity and small deformation, analytical calculation formulas for compliances in x, y and z directions of a S-type cantilever beam were deduced by using Castigliano’s second theorem.The correctness of these formulas was verified by using the finite element method (FEM).Compliances of curved S-type cantilever beam, straight one and arc one were compared by defining the compliance ratio function.The results showed that relative errors of various compliance calculation formulas for S-type cantilever beams are all less than 10%, theoretical analysis results agree well with simulation ones to verify the correctness of various compliance analytical calculation formulas for S-type cantilever beams; when γ=0.2 for curved S-type cantilever beam, compliances in x and z directions of arc one are the largest, compliance in y direction of straight one is the largest; when α=18 and β=6, compliance in y direction of straight S-type cantilever beam is the largest, and compliance in z direction of arc one is the largest; when 0.2≤γ≤2.2 for curved S-type cantilever beam, compliance in x direction of arc one is the largest; when γ>2.2 for curved S-type cantilever beam, compliance in x direction of curved one is the largest; the study results provide a theoretical basis for engineering design of S-type cantilever beams and their application.
S型悬臂梁 /
柔度 /
卡式定理 /
有限元 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
S-type cantilever beam /
compliance /
Castigliano’s theorem /
finite element method (FEM) /
compliance ratio
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