

振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5) : 105-111.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5) : 105-111.


  • 向活跃1,唐平1,王涛2,李永乐1
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Extreme value response statistics of a vehicle-bridge system based on SS/S method

  • XIANG Huoyue1,  TANG Ping1,  WANG Tao2,  LI Yongle1
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车-桥系统的失效属于小概率事件,采用子集分裂模拟方法(Subset Simulation with Splitting,SS/S)对车-桥系统响应进行了分析。首先,采用MATLAB编制了车-桥系统的分析程序,并通过数值算例进行了验证。其次,回顾了SS/S法的基本原理,采用自回归模型(Autoregressive Models,AR模型),对轨道不平顺进行条件模拟,给出了车-桥系统响应的SS/S统计分析框架,并采用数值算例进行了验证。最后,针对车-桥系统,利用SS/S得到了车体竖向和横向加速度超越概率,并与蒙特卡洛法(MCS法)进行了对比验证。结果表明:相较于直接MCS方法,SS/S方法可大幅度减少车-桥系统响应极值超越概率曲线估计时所需的样本,显著提高计算效率。


Failure of vehicle-bridge systems is a small probabilistic event.Here, the subset simulation with splitting (SS/S) method was used to calculate responses of a vehicle-bridge system.Firstly, the analysis code for vehicle-bridge systems was programed with the software MATLAB, and verified with numerical examples.Secondly, the basic principle of the SS/S method was reviewed, the autoregressive (AR) model was used to do the conditional simulation for track irregularity to give the SS/S statistical analysis framework for the response of vehicle-bridge system, and this framework was verified with numerical examples.Finally, for a vehicle-bridge system, the SS/S method was used to calculate exceedance probabilities of vehicle body’s vertical and lateral accelerations, and the results were compared with those using Monte Carlo statistics (MCS).The results showed that compared to the direct MCS, the SS/S method can greatly reduce number of required samples used to estimate exceedance probabilities of extreme value responses of a vehicle-bridge system, and significantly improve the calculation efficiency.


车-桥系统 / 极值响应 / SS/S方法 / AR模型

Key words

vehicle-bridge system / extreme value response / subset simulation with splitting (SS/S) method / AR model


向活跃1,唐平1,王涛2,李永乐1. 基于子集分裂模拟的车-桥系统极值响应统计[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(5): 105-111
XIANG Huoyue1, TANG Ping1, WANG Tao2, LI Yongle1. Extreme value response statistics of a vehicle-bridge system based on SS/S method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(5): 105-111


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