Abstract:In order to consider the influence of the propeller elasticity on vibration characteristics of a propeller-shafting system, an analytical solution was developed based on the Timoshenko theory.The propeller blades and shaft were all modeled by a Timoshenko beam.According to the continuous condition of joint and boundary condition, the control equation of the transverse and longitudinal free vibration of system was deduced.Contrasted the solution of a finite-element model and the analytical solution, they were in good agreement.The effect of propeller elasticity on the mode and force transmission characteristics of the system was explored.The results show that the deformation of both the blades and shafting of the true elastic propeller-shafting system can be seen and their vibration is coupled.The bending mode of blades can aggravate the vibration of shafting.The longitudinal force transmitted by bearing was amplified by the bending mode of propeller and longitudinal mode of shafting, while the transverse force was mainly controlled by bending modes of propeller and shafting under the excitation at the blade.
弹性 /
螺旋桨-轴系 /
振动特性 /
Timoshenko梁 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
elasticity /
propeller-shafting /
vibration characteristics /
Timoshenko beam /
analytical solution
{{custom_keyword}} /
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