

振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8) : 88-98.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8) : 88-98.


  • 周敉1,赵威2,石雄伟3,朱国强1
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A study on combined effect of earthquake and scour of bridge in high earthquake-intensity and soft soil site

  • ZHOU Mi1,ZHAO Wei2,SHI Xiongwei3,ZHU Guoqiang1
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Scour leads bridge foundation to be exposed, which weakens the constraint function of soil to the pile foundation and increases the damage risk of the foundation under earthquake.Therefore, it is significant to establish the failure probability model of a bridge under the combined effect of scour and earthquake, and to analyze the combined component coefficient of the scour action of the continuous rigid frame bridges in an earthquake zone.In this paper, based on a continuous rigid frame bridge built in the area with seismic basic intensity of VIII degree, the distribution function of the scour depth was determined by the Monte-Carlo method, and the dynamic finite element models of the entire bridge under different scouring depth were established by CSIBridge software.Forty-eight seismic waves were used for incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), and the distribution function of seismic action effects with different scouring depth was calculated.The failure probability and reliability index of bridge foundation at different scouring depths were obtained by the direct integration method.The results show that the nonlinear relationship between the scouring depth and the earthquake failure probability can be established by the failure probability analysis under the framework of combined effect of erosion and earthquake.This method can reasonably determine the partial combination coefficient of loading combination including erosion and seismic action.


地震 / 冲刷 / 失效概率 / 分项系数 / 联合作用

Key words

earthquake / scour / partial coefficient / failure probability / combined effect


周敉1,赵威2,石雄伟3,朱国强1. 高烈度软土场地桥梁地震与冲刷联合作用效应研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(8): 88-98
ZHOU Mi1,ZHAO Wei2,SHI Xiongwei3,ZHU Guoqiang1. A study on combined effect of earthquake and scour of bridge in high earthquake-intensity and soft soil site[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(8): 88-98


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