

振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10) : 50-56.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10) : 50-56.


  • 万磊,刘灿昌,孔维旭,贺成泰,党壮,周长城
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Nonlinear vibration analysis of a nano-beam considering gas diffusion surface stresses

  • WAN Lei,LIU Canchang,KONG Weixu,HE Chengtai,DANG Zhuang,ZHOU Changcheng
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文章历史 +




In the industrial toxic and harmful gas leakage detection field, the sensors usually have the disadvantages of low sensitivity and long detection time.A concentration analysis method based on gas adsorption stress was proposed to solve the problem.The surface stress sensitivity effect generated by the gas diffusion on the surface of a nano-beam was considered, and the related information of the leakage gas was obtained by analyzing the nonlinear vibration properties of the nano-beam.An Euler-Bornoulli beam was used as the nonlinear vibration model.The surface stress due to the gas diffusion was considered and the nonlinear vibration equation of the nano-beam was established.The relationships between the vibration nonlinearity of the nano-beam and the parameters such as diffusion gas concentration, partial molar volume, diffusion time, damping, DC excitation voltage and AC excitation voltage were obtained by the amplitude-frequency response analysis.Methods for changing parameters to reduce the system nonlinearity were explored.The results show that different diffusion gases, concentration and diffusion time have different effects on the nano-beam vibration, so, the vibration of the nanobeam can be measured to detect the diffused gas information.By modifying the system parameters, the nonlinear vibration of the system can be reduced and the stability of the system can be enhanced.The research work provides a physical detection method and detection theory for detecting gas concentration and diffusion speed by means of vibration analysis.


扩散表面应力 / 纳米梁 / 非线性振动 / 多尺度方法

Key words

diffusion surface stress / nano-beam / nonlinear vibration / multi-scale method


万磊,刘灿昌,孔维旭,贺成泰,党壮,周长城. 考虑气体扩散表面应力的纳米梁非线性振动分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(10): 50-56
WAN Lei,LIU Canchang,KONG Weixu,HE Chengtai,DANG Zhuang,ZHOU Changcheng. Nonlinear vibration analysis of a nano-beam considering gas diffusion surface stresses[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2021, 40(10): 50-56


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