

振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10) : 89-94.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10) : 89-94.


  • 黄修长1,2,师帅康1,2,苏智伟1,2,饶志强1,3,华宏星1,2
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Vibro-acoustic responses of a pump-jet under distributed unsteady hydrodynamic forces

  • HUANG Xiuchang1,2,SHI Shuaikang1,2,SU Zhiwei1,2,RAO Zhiqiang1,3,HUA Hongxing1,2
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The vibro-acoustic responses of a pump-jet is greatly influenced by the characteristics of distributed unsteady hydrodynamic forces.Aiming at solving vibro-acoustic responses of the pump-jet under hydrodynamic pressure, the pulsation pressure was calculated by employing computational fluid dynamics (CFD), then a mapping method based on the radial basis function (RBF) was established between CFD mesh and structural mesh to obtain the distributed pulsation pressure on structural wet surface, and then the vibro-acoustic responses were calculated by using coupled FEM.Four load cases were studied: the distributed pulsation pressure applied on pump-jet wet surface, the distributed pulsation pressure applied on propeller wet surface, the equivalent pulsation force applied at 0.7R of the middle line of propeller on both pressure and suction faces of each propeller blade, and the equivalent pulsation force applied at the hub of the propeller.It is shown that the mapping method will yield a distributed pulsation force on structural wet surface with accuracy.Compared with the mean-square velocity, radiated power of the pump-jet and the transmitted force to the hub under the distributed pulsation pressure on pump-jet wet surface, the vibro-acoustic responses produced by the distributed pulsation pressure on propeller wet surface are the most significant contributor; the vibro-acoustic responses produced by the equivalent force at 0.7R of each propeller blade share almost the same peaks but with different magnitudes;however, the equivalent force applied at the hub will not excite so many modes and the magnitudes are much smaller.


泵喷 / 流体激励力 / 结构模态 / 结构振动声辐射

Key words

pump-jet / hydrodynamic force / structural modes / vibro-acoustic response


黄修长1,2,师帅康1,2,苏智伟1,2,饶志强1,3,华宏星1,2. 分布式流体脉动压力激励下泵喷推进器的结构辐射噪声分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(10): 89-94
HUANG Xiuchang1,2,SHI Shuaikang1,2,SU Zhiwei1,2,RAO Zhiqiang1,3,HUA Hongxing1,2. Vibro-acoustic responses of a pump-jet under distributed unsteady hydrodynamic forces[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2021, 40(10): 89-94


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