

振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (23) : 239-246.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (23) : 239-246.


  • 陈建芳1,2,施卫东3,张德胜1,谭林伟3
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Effects of blade inlet edge position on pressure pulsation in  volute of a single blade centrifugal pump

  • CHEN Jianfang1,2, SHI Weidong3, ZHANG Desheng1, TAN Linwei3
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文章历史 +




To study the effect of blade inlet position on characteristics of single blade centrifugal pump,based on the standard k-ε turbulence model, steady numerical simulation for single blade centrifugal pumps with different blade inlet edge positions was first calculated, and the external characteristics were analyzed. The reliability of the numerical calculation results was verified through experiments. Then, unsteady numerical calculation was carried out to analyze the influence of blade inlet position on the pump pressure fluctuation characteristics based on the steady calculation results. The numerical calculation results show that the random pressure fluctuation in rest of the volute except the near tongue decreases, the periodic characteristics of the pressure fluctuation increase, and the amplitude of the pressure fluctuation coefficient and the main frequency pressure fluctuation increase with the increase of the extension of the blade inlet edge along the rear shroud or front shroud to the pump inlet, while the amplitude of the pressure fluctuation coefficient and the main frequency pressure fluctuation at the tongue both decrease first and then increase. Proper extension of the blade inlet edge can reduce the pressure fluctuation at the tongue.


单叶片离心泵 / 叶片进口边位置 / 压力脉动特性 / 数值模拟

Key words

single blade centrifugal pump / blade inlet edge position / pressure fluctuation / numerical simulation


陈建芳1,2,施卫东3,张德胜1,谭林伟3. 叶片进口边位置对单叶片离心泵蜗壳内压力脉动的影响[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(23): 239-246
CHEN Jianfang1,2, SHI Weidong3, ZHANG Desheng1, TAN Linwei3. Effects of blade inlet edge position on pressure pulsation in  volute of a single blade centrifugal pump[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2021, 40(23): 239-246


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