In view of the simplified linear attenuation blast loading model used in current structural anti-explosion design codes, the equivalent duration is less than the true duration of overpressure blast loading. Under the condition of equal impulse and equal overpressure peak, the series curve attenuation function is adopted as conventional weapon chemical blast loading. The relationship between true duration and equivalent duration is established. Both one-three and two-three term dynamic coefficients of series curve attenuation blast loading is derived from structural elastic-plastic vibration equation. Based on the simplified dynamic coefficient in current code, some typical calculation situations show that the value from this paper is lower than the vale from the current code. When the ductility ratio β<2.5 and structural load is<1.2, the calculation result difference from this paper and the current code is 2% so that the formula from current code can be directly used. When β<2.5 and mi≥1.2, the dynamic coefficients of one-three term series blast loading are relatively small. When β≥2.5 and in<1.2, the difference between one-third term series and second-third series is negligible, and the maximum difference between the series formula and simplified formula is more than 8%. When β≥2.5 and θi≥1.2, the dynamic coefficient has a high correlation with curve shape factor a and series type of blast loading.
常规武器 /
爆炸荷载 /
动力系数 /
延性比 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
conventional weapon /
blast loading /
dynamic coefficient /
ductility ratio /
loading duration
{{custom_keyword}} /
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