

振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (23) : 91-99.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (23) : 91-99.


  • 李甜果1,2,孔令伟1,2,舒荣军1,2
作者信息 +

Dynamic shear modulus characteristics of expansive soil with different moisture contents and determination method of in situ G- γ decay curve

  • LI Tianguo1,2, KONG Lingwei1,2, SHU Rongjun1,2
Author information +
文章历史 +




Considering the particularity of the interaction of expansive soil and water , and the fact that the water content of expansive soil is changing in the actual project, the laboratory resonant column tests  (RCT)of expansive soil with different water contents were carried out. Meanwhile, combined with in-situ seismic dilatometer tests (SDMT). The results showed that water content have significant effects on the shear modulus of expansive soils, the shear modulus G decreases as the increase of water content ; The influence of the volume change of expansive soil caused by the change of water content on the maximum dynamic shear modulus Gmax was classified as the effect of water contents, a Gmax prediction model for the expansive soil with different water contents was proposed has a good prediction of Jiamusi expansive soil. The maximum dynamic shear modulus Gmax in good linearity with the reference shear strain γr at the same water content, based on this law, an improved method for calculating the in-situ G-γ decay curve of expansive soil was proposed, the improved curve is close to the unmodified curve in the initial stage and is consistent with the field seismic velocity test results; it is found that the improved curve has a smaller attenuation rate and a better suitability in the stiffness analysis of expansive soil, the improved method can help to select the laboratory reference curve reasonably and accurately predict the attenuation law of in-situ dynamic shear modulus.


弱膨胀土;共振柱;地震扁铲侧胀;G-&gamma / 衰减曲线;动剪切模量

Key words

weak expansive soil / resonant column / seismic dilatometer test / G-&gamma / decay curve / dynamic shear modulus


李甜果1,2,孔令伟1,2,舒荣军1,2. 不同含水率膨胀土动剪切模量特征与原位G-γ衰减曲线确定方法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(23): 91-99
LI Tianguo1,2, KONG Lingwei1,2, SHU Rongjun1,2. Dynamic shear modulus characteristics of expansive soil with different moisture contents and determination method of in situ G- γ decay curve[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2021, 40(23): 91-99


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