As an internal excitation form, oscillation attenuation flow significantly affects the stability and resonance characteristics of fluid-conveying pipeline. Here, based on the differential equation of transverse vibration of pipeline conveying fluid, the exponential attenuation function was introduced to simulate oscillation attenuation characteristics of flow velocity when water hammer happening, and the expression of dynamic instability region of pipeline conveying fluid under the action of internally excited oscillation attenuation flow was derived. Under the condition of unattenuated periodic pulsating flow excitation, the unsteady regions of two kinds of pipelines with different supports were calculated, they were in good agreement with the previous numerical results published. Meanwhile, compared with the velocity time history calculated using viscoelastic pipe model under water hammer, it was shown that the proposed velocity expression can better reflect bidirectional attenuation characteristics of flow in the pipeline under water hammer excitation. Furthermore, the influence of attenuation characteristic parameters on the unstable region of simply supported pipeline was analyzed. The results showed that the influence of the internally excited oscillation attenuation flow on the transverse vibration of the pipeline can’t be ignored; when the flow velocity attenuation coefficient b increases, the unstable region moves downward, and when the initial flow velocity u0 increases, shifting phenomenon becomes more obvious; at the same time, with passage of time and increase in attenuation coefficient b, the faster the flow velocity attenuation and the faster the closure of unstable region; when flow velocity attenuation reaches 0, water hammer process is over, unstable area of pipeline disappears.
振荡衰减流 /
内激励 /
输流管道 /
横向振动 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
oscillatory attenuation flow /
internal excitation /
fluid-conveying pipeline /
transverse vibration /
dynamic instability region
{{custom_keyword}} /
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