

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 11-19.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 11-19.


  • 吴甜宇1,2,邱文亮2
作者信息 +

Ice-vehicle-bridge coupled system vibration analysis

  • WU Tianyu1,2, QIU Wenliang2
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文章历史 +




To do research on the bridge vibration responses under vehicles and ice forces, a dynamic analysis framework for the ice-vehicle-bridge interaction system is proposed. In this framework, each car is regarded as an individual multi-degree-of-freedom motion system. The finite element modeling method is used for the bridge structure, and the penalty function method is used to define the contact relationship between the wheel and the bridge deck, to realize the contact and interaction between the various subsystems. Based on the self-excited ice force model, the self-excited ice force of the bridge structure which depends on the relative speed of the ice and the structure is obtained. The dynamic equation of the ice-vehicle-bridge coupling system is constructed, to realize the ice-vehicle-bridge coupling vibration and driving safety analysis. The research results illustrate that the vertical vibrations of the bridge increases with the increase of vehicle speeds, while the lateral vibrations of the bridge is controlled by ice forces. The vertical responses of the vehicle mainly depends on the interaction between vehicle and bridge, while the lateral responses of the vehicle mainly depends on the interaction between ice and bridge. The interaction between vehicle and bridge is affected by both vehicle speed and ice speed. Fast ice speed will increase the lateral contact force of vehicle and reduce the minimum side-slip resistance of vehicle. The front axle wheels of the vehicle on the bridge are more prone to side-slip than the rear axle wheels under ice forces. The proposed analysis framework of the ice-vehicle-bridge interaction system can a reference for the safety assessment of offshore bridge structures under ice forces.
Keywords: bridge structure; self-excited ice forces; ice-vehicle-bridge system; coupled vibration; driving safety


桥梁结构 / 自激冰力 / 冰-车-桥系统 / 耦合振动 / 行车安全

Key words

bridge structure / self-excited ice forces / ice-vehicle-bridge system / coupled vibration / driving safety


吴甜宇1,2,邱文亮2. 冰-车-桥系统耦合振动分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(15): 11-19
WU Tianyu1,2, QIU Wenliang2. Ice-vehicle-bridge coupled system vibration analysis[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(15): 11-19


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