

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 63-70.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 63-70.


  • 何理1,2,杨仁树2,钟冬望1,解联库3,张奎4,杨磊5
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Calculation of modified charge amount per delay in non-electric initiation network and its application in onsite PPV prediction

  • HE Li1,2, YANG Renshu2, ZHONG Dongwang1, XIE Lianku3, ZHANG Kui4, YANG Lei5
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雷管延时误差引起的同段齐发炮孔起爆时刻离散及分段爆破振动叠加效应缺乏深入研究,给非电起爆网路单响药量取值及质点峰值振动速度(PPV)预报带来极大困难。考虑雷管延时误差的正态分布特性,利用概率理论分析雷管段别及延时误差对炮孔起爆时刻重叠的影响规律,构建同时起爆炮孔排数的概率计算模型(PCM);研究同段齐发炮孔起爆时刻的离散效应及等效药量取值方法,创新性提出修正单响药量概念及计算方法,并将其应用到现场PPV预测。结果表明:传爆网路的延时误差累积,引起显著的分段爆破振动叠加现象,导致非电起爆网路实际单响药量大于设计值。孔外MS3传爆、孔内MS11起爆与孔外MS2传爆、孔内MS9起爆的非电网路,同时起爆炮孔排数的期望值分别为2.35和4.67;同段齐发炮孔等效药量值比该段总药量小,可利用缩比因子折算同段齐发炮孔数目计算得到。利用修正单响药量回归爆破振动速度模型拟合效果好,两项工程应用的PPV预测值与监测值间ARE为5.2%和8.5%,RMSE为0.59 cm/s和0.85 cm/s;实践中可依据同一振速模型对不同爆破次数时PPV进行预测,节约振动监测成本。


There are few studies on the dispersion of initiation time of blast-holes with simultaneous initiation and the blasting vibration superposition in adjacent delay time caused by the delay error of detonators, which brings great difficulties to determine the charge quantity per delay and accurately predict particle peak vibration velocity (PPV) in non-electric initiation network. Considering the normal distribution of detonator delay error for non-electric initiation network, the influence of Nonel detonator no. and delay error on the overlapping degree of initiation time interval was analyzed by probability theory, and the probability calculation model (PCM) of the number of blast-holes (rows) initiated at the same time was constructed. The discrete effect of the initiation time blast-holes with simultaneous initiation and the value method of equivalent charge weight were studied, and the concept and calculation method of modified charge weight per delay were proposed, which was applied to PPV prediction. The results show that, the accumulation of delay error in blasting network results in significant superposition phenomenon of blasting vibration, which leads to the actual charge weight per delay of non-electric initiation network larger than the design value. The expected values of rows of simultaneous initiation blast-holes is 2.35 for the non-electric initiation network using no.3 Nonel detonator to relay detonation outside the blast-hole and no. 11 Nonel detonator to detonate inside the blast-hole. The expected values of rows of simultaneous initiation blast-holes is 4.67 for the non-electric initiation network using no.2 Nonel detonator to relay detonation outside the blast-hole and no. 9 Nonel detonator to detonate inside the blast-hole. The PPV for multi-hole simultaneous blasting is smaller than single-hole blasting when the total charge weight is identical, in the hence the equivalent charge weight of simultaneous initiation blast-holes should be smaller than the total charge weight, which can be calculated by converting the number of holes with scale factor. The regression of blasting vibration velocity model with modified charge weight per delay based on PCM has good fitting effect. The ARE is 5.2% and 8.5%, and RMSE is 0.59 cm/s and 0.85 cm/s between PPV predicted value and monitoring value in the two engineering applications. The PPV of different blasting times can be predicted according to the same vibration velocity model using modified charge weight per delay, which can save the cost of vibration monitoring. The research results can provide reference for blasting network design and vibration control in engineering practice.
Key words: detonator delay error; non-electric initiation network; charge weight per delay; discrete effect; particle peak vibration velocity


/ 非电起爆网路 / 单响药量 / 离散效应 / 质点峰值振动速度

Key words

detonator delay error / non-electric initiation network / charge weight per delay / discrete effect / particle peak vibration velocity


何理1,2,杨仁树2,钟冬望1,解联库3,张奎4,杨磊5. 非电起爆网路修正单响药量计算及PPV预测应用实例[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(15): 63-70
HE Li1,2, YANG Renshu2, ZHONG Dongwang1, XIE Lianku3, ZHANG Kui4, YANG Lei5. Calculation of modified charge amount per delay in non-electric initiation network and its application in onsite PPV prediction[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(15): 63-70


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