

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 77-82.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 77-82.


  • 邹韬,蔡晓丽,伍晓顺
作者信息 +

Mathematical model and numerical analysis of single point impact excitation of space truss structure

  • ZOU Tao, CAI Xiaoli, WU Xiaoshun
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To solve the problem of actively stimulating the vibration of space trusses, a new impact excitation method by dropping heavy things from a specific height is proposed. By simplifying the complicated vibration system composed of the heavy thing, the cable and the structure, the equivalent vibration system with only one degree of freedom which simulates single-point impact excitation is set up. The expression for calculating the time history of single-point impact excitation caused by dropping a heavy thing is then obtained. If the time history is applied to the structure, the structural free vibration considering single-point impact excitation can be simulated. A space truss with 1200 members is taken as the numerical example. The influences of factors, such as the mass of the heavy thing, the dropping height, the elastic modulus and sectional area of the cable, and the damping ratio of the equivalent vibration system, on the largest acceleration amplitude are investigated. The proposed impact-excitation method is also compare with the step excitation method which is realized by suddenly releasing heavy things of a zero dropping height. Results show that the largest acceleration amplitude is sensitive to the mass of the heavy thing, the dropping height and the cable’s sectional area. Besides, to obtain the same largest acceleration amplitude, the masses required by the proposed impact excitation method are far less than those needed by the step excitation method. The work is beneficial to improve the vibration stimulation efficiency, and provides helpful references for the quantification analysis of single-point impact excitation of space trusses.
Key words: Space trusses; impact excitation; modal testing; step excitation; structural health monitoring


网架结构 / 冲击激励 / 模态测试 / 阶跃激励 / 结构健康监测

Key words

Space trusses / impact excitation / modal testing / step excitation / structural health monitoring


邹韬,蔡晓丽,伍晓顺. 网架结构单点冲击激励的数学模型与数值分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(15): 77-82
ZOU Tao, CAI Xiaoli, WU Xiaoshun. Mathematical model and numerical analysis of single point impact excitation of space truss structure[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(15): 77-82


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