

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (16) : 43-49.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (16) : 43-49.


  • 徐畅1,赵坪锐1,徐天赐1,屈超广1,刘卫星1,蔡文锋2
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Vertical vibration transfer characteristics of a medium-low speed maglev track structure

  • XU Chang1,ZHAO Pingrui1,XU Tianci1,QU Chaoguang1,LIU Weixing1,CAI Wenfeng2
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In order to study the vertical vibration transfer characteristics of medium-low speed maglev track structure, based on laboratory test and vibration theory, the frequency domain analysis model of track structure was established. The vertical vibration transfer characteristics of the structure were analyzed by the vertical admittance of the structure, the vertical transmissibility of displacement and force were taken as the evaluation index. The influences of vertical fastener stiffness, vertical fastener damping, sleeper support spacing, top thickness surface of the F-rail and sleeper flange thickness on the vertical vibration transmission characteristics of the structure were discussed. The results show that the vertical vibration of medium-low speed maglev track structure can be divided into two stages: low frequency overall vibration and high frequency local vibration, and the vertical transmissibility of force and displacement in the whole vibration stage is higher. The vertical displacement admittance of F-rail along the structure does not decrease with the increase of the distance from the excitation point, but is related to the vibration mode of the structure at different frequencies. The increase of vertical damping of fastener can restrain the vertical transmission of force and displacement, and the inhibition of vertical transmission of force is more obvious. The vertical fastener stiffness, sleeper support spacing, top thickness surface of the F-rail and sleeper flange thickness all change the local stiffness of the structure, thus affect the peak value and frequency of vertical transmission of force and displacement.
Key words: Medium-low speed maglev track; Vertical vibration transmission; Admittance; Vertical transmissibility


中低速磁浮轨道 / 垂向振动传递 / 导纳 / 垂向传递率

Key words

Medium-low speed maglev track / Vertical vibration transmission / Admittance / Vertical transmissibility


徐畅1,赵坪锐1,徐天赐1,屈超广1,刘卫星1,蔡文锋2. 中低速磁浮轨道结构垂向振动传递特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(16): 43-49
XU Chang1,ZHAO Pingrui1,XU Tianci1,QU Chaoguang1,LIU Weixing1,CAI Wenfeng2. Vertical vibration transfer characteristics of a medium-low speed maglev track structure[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(16): 43-49


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