

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (17) : 18-24.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (17) : 18-24.


  • 王树国,易强,王猛,王璞
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Vibration characteristics and structural optimization of steel switch sleeper

  • WANG Shuguo, YI Qiang, WANG Meng, WANG Pu
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The stability of steel switch sleepers is low due to excessive vibration under moving train load. In order to improve the applicability of steel switch sleepers in turnouts, the effects of the geometric parameters of the steel sleeper and stiffness of the fastening and ballast are analyzed according to the vibration characteristics and dynamic response of the structure under train load. The key factors affecting the vibration of steel sleeper are found out and suggestions for structure optimization are put forward. The results show that the steel switch sleeper has low structural stiffness and is prone to torsional deformation and warpage due to the opening characteristics of the cross-section. By increasing the thickness of the bottom plate of steel sleeper, the cross-sectional stiffness will be improved, and the dynamic response of steel sleeper caused by cross-section deformation can be suppressed. In addition, the vibration response of steel sleeper is closely related to the stiffness of fastening and sleeper support. Uneven dynamic stiffness under rail can cause resonance of the steel sleeper-concrete turnout sleeper. In order to achieve the homogenization of dynamic stiffness, reasonable fastening stiffness and sleeper support stiffness can be designed according to the mass of the steel sleeper so as to reduce the vibration response of the steel sleeper. Finally, the vibration reduction effect of the optimized structural parameters and fastening stiffness of the steel switch sleeper is verified according to the vehicle-turnout dynamic coupled model.


钢岔枕 / 振动 / 结构优化 / 车辆-道岔耦合

Key words

steel switch sleeper / vibration / structure optimization / vehicle-turnout coupling


王树国,易强,王猛,王璞. 钢岔枕振动特性及结构优化研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(17): 18-24
WANG Shuguo, YI Qiang, WANG Meng, WANG Pu. Vibration characteristics and structural optimization of steel switch sleeper[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(17): 18-24


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