

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (17) : 93-100.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (17) : 93-100.


  • 舒荣军1,2,孔令伟1,2,黎澄生3,刘炳恒1,2,简涛1,2
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Dynamic characteristics of granite residual soil considering pre-unloading static deviatoric stress

  • SHU Rongjun1,2, KONG Lingwei1,2, LI Chengsheng3, LIU Bingheng1,2, JIAN Tao1,2
Author information +
文章历史 +




Static deviator stress prior to cyclic loading imposes great influences on the dynamic behaviour of soil. So far most of pertinent studies focused on static deviator stress caused by loading, whereas very few considered the influences of preceding unloading on the dynamic behaviour of soil. To understand the effects of static deviator stress caused by preceding unloading on the dynamic behaviour of undisturbed granite residual soil, a series of cyclic triaxial tests after unloading were performed. According to the positional relationship among soil strength envelope, consolidation stress state and the stress state just after unloading, the degree of unloading of a specimen was quantified, which can be affected by many factors in practice and reflects how far soil stress state is from failure. The influences of amplitude of cyclic stress and degree of unloading on accumulated axial plastic strain and dynamic strength characteristics were investigated. The experiment results show that the increase of amplitude of cyclic stress accelerates the transition of the accumulating mode of axial plastic strain from “stabilization” to “failure” type. The preceding unloading promotes the accumulated axial plastic deformation of the granite residual soil, as a result of which critical amplitude of cyclic stress decreases with the increase of degree of unloading. As the degree of unloading increases, the promoting effect of preceding unloading on soil deformation grows nonlinearly (faster and faster). At the same number of cycles, dynamic strength of the soil decreases with the increase of degree of unloading. In addition, dynamic strength curves under different degrees of unloading can be normalized by the corresponding critical amplitude of cyclic stress, and a unique normalized strength curve can be obtained, based on which an empirical formula was proposed for the prediction of dynamic strength of the granite residual soil, considering the effects of degree of unloading.
Key words: granite residual soil; unloading; deviator stress; accumulated deformation; dynamic strength


花岗岩残积土 / 卸荷 / 静偏应力 / 累积变形 / 动强度

Key words

granite residual soil / unloading / deviator stress / accumulated deformation / dynamic strength


舒荣军1,2,孔令伟1,2,黎澄生3,刘炳恒1,2,简涛1,2. 考虑先期卸荷静偏应力的花岗岩残积土动力特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(17): 93-100
SHU Rongjun1,2, KONG Lingwei1,2, LI Chengsheng3, LIU Bingheng1,2, JIAN Tao1,2. Dynamic characteristics of granite residual soil considering pre-unloading static deviatoric stress[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(17): 93-100


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