

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (19) : 188-197.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (19) : 188-197.


  • 皮晓璠,铁瑛,胡明浩
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Anti-impact performance of plain woven composite patching structure based on multi-scale analysis

  • PI Xiaofan, TIE Ying, HU Minghao
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由于平纹机织复合材料修补结构对冲击荷载下产生的响应具有多尺度的影响,采用多尺度方法建立数值分析模型,对平纹机织和单向铺层复合材料修补结构冲击响应间的差异进行了研究。同时,对不同冲击能量下平纹机织复合材料修补结构的损伤演化和补片形状对结构抗冲击性能的影响也开展了研究。通过建立纤维束微观和代表性单元(Representative volume element, RVE)细观模型,预测细观材料性能,进一步采用局部均匀化方法得到平纹机织复材的宏观交叉层合板等效模型(Equivalent cross-ply laminate, ECPL),完成修补结构多尺度抗冲击损伤性能分析模型构建。利用连续损伤力学模型和三维Hashin准则对冲击过程中修补结构损伤演化进行分析,并通过落锤冲击试验力和能量曲线验证了数值模型的准确性。数值和试验结果表明:平纹机织修补结构较单向层合板修补结构具有更好的抗冲击性能;其冲击损伤主要沿着0/90方向分布,随着冲击能量的提高,主要承力部位由补片转移到母板;当冲击能量达到12 J时,胶层开始出现失效脱落现象;圆形补片修补的平纹机织结构具有更好的抗冲击性能。


Since the plain woven composite repaired structure has a multi-scale effect on the response of impact loading, a numerical model was built using a multi-scale approach to compare the differences of impact response between plain woven composite repaired structure and unidirectional composite repaired structure. And the damage evolution at different impact energies and the effect of patch shape on the impact resistance were also studied. At first, the microscale model of fiber yarn and the representative volume element (RVE) were developed to predict the mesoscale material properties. Then the effective macroscale cross-ply laminate (ECPL) model of the plain woven composite structure was further obtained by using local homogenization method, ECPL). And then a multi-scale model was established to analysis the damage evolution of the plain woven composite repaired structure. The damage evolution of the repaired structure during the impact was analyzed by using the continuous damage mechanics model and the 3D Hashin criterion, and the accuracy of the numerical model was verified by the force-energy curves obtained from the drop hammer impact test. The numerical and the experimental results show that the plain woven repaired structure had better impact resistance than the unidirectional repaired structure; the impact damage of plain woven repaired structure was mainly distributed along 0/90 direction, and the main load-bearing part was transferred from the patch to the parent plate with the increase of the impact energy; the cohesive layer started to fail at the impact energy of 12 J; the plain woven composite structure repaired by the circle patch showed better impact resistance performance than others.
Key words: plain woven composite; external repair; damage evolution; patch shape; impact resistance


平纹机织复合材料 / 贴补修补 / 损伤演化 / 补片形状 / 抗冲击性能

Key words

plain woven composite / external repair / damage evolution / patch shape / impact resistance


皮晓璠,铁瑛,胡明浩. 基于多尺度分析的平纹机织复合材料贴补结构抗冲击性能研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(19): 188-197
PI Xiaofan, TIE Ying, HU Minghao. Anti-impact performance of plain woven composite patching structure based on multi-scale analysis[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(19): 188-197


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