This study proposed a Translation Process Method (TPM) with modified bandwidth for the broad-band wind pressure and the extreme value estimate method. Based on the wind tunnel experiments, the peak factors of wind pressures on the large-scale roof structure were systematically studied with the proposed TPM and available extreme value estimate methods. The results show that the peak factor of wind pressures estimated by the extreme value distribution of Gaussian process significantly deviated from those obtained by the estimate methods for non-Gaussian process; the Hermite moment method neglecting the bandwidth parameter overestimated the peak factor of non-Gaussian wind pressures; as compared with the Hermite moment method and the target probability method with modified bandwidth parameter, the Sadek-Simiu method and TPM with modified bandwidth estimated the peak factors of wind pressures on the large-scale roof structure more accurately, which were in better correspondence with the observed extreme values from the experiments; meanwhile, the discrepancies and skewness of the estimated peak factors by the method proposed in this study were the smallest; therefore, the proposed TPM with modified bandwidth could efficiently and reasonably estimate the extreme values of non-Gaussian wind pressures on the large-scale roof structure.
Key words: Large-scale roof structure; non-Gaussian wind pressure; peak factor; wind tunnel test; bandwidth parameter
大跨屋盖结构 /
非高斯风压 /
带宽参数 /
峰值因子 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Large-scale roof structure /
non-Gaussian wind pressure /
peak factor /
wind tunnel test /
bandwidth parameter
{{custom_keyword}} /
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